Call for participants from Serbia: Youth Exchange “Youth against Plastic Empire”

Environment Engineering Group is opening the call for participants from Serbia (age 18-26) for an international youth exchange “Youth against Plastic Empire”.

You can apply for participation here, no later than June 10th. Priority will be given to early-bird applications.


About the exchange

This project will make 30 young people from 5 countries (North Macedonia, Croatia, Romania, Turkey and Serbia) be more aware about plastic pollution and its consequences on the health and the environment and will inspire and encourage young participants to strive toward more sustainable choosing their daily habits, since the change is always starting from ourselves.

Youth exchange aims to address this problem by targeting main consequences of plastic pollution and to provide participants sustainable solutions since the change will come only if people are aware of the problem and understand the dangerousness of it.

Participants will be in charge to prepare the materials regarding plastic free advices such as video material and posters they will share in online campaign ones they return home in order to share their experience and knowledge, motivating youth in their local community to start acting green and plastic free habits also informing them about Erasmus+ programme, Youth Pass and key competencies they gaining while participating on this youth exchange. By ingraining themselves into the local plastic free campaign where they will support very popular local plastic-free initiative with collecting the plastic chaps from the drinks, they will learn how important is the local initiative in order to achieve greater good and cleaner future while helping children with handicap to buy medical support for their every lives.


Profile of the participants

Young people (18-30) from Serbia, interested in environment protection topics. You don’t need to be fluent in English, but be able to communicate. Motivation to participate is more valued than previous experience and knowledge.

The profile of the participants that will be involved in this youth exchange is young people 18 to 26 years old that are enthusiastic to:

  • learn more about the plastic pollution origins and consequences, prevention of waste and environmental protection, and how our daily habits are affecting the health of the biodiversity and us;
  • be active on all workshops, and to take responsibility for disseminating the project activities, they will be obliged to share the posts of the online campaign that will be made by participants during the youth exchange, and shared on social media by applicant organization and partners after the projects finishes;
  • improve their English language skills, public speaking and presenting skill as well as practical skills;
  • learn about other cultures, languages, music and food overcoming the barriers, stereotypes and making international friendships;
  • learn about Erasmus+ programme and the key learning competences that they will gain on youth exchange and fill in Youth Pass; share all the learned with their peers in the local community and on all other projects involved, national or international.


Accommodation, food, work and safety

Youth Exchange will be organized in Center for rural development and applied learning – CERUDA, in village Jazak on the Fruska Gora mountain in Vojvodina, north part of Serbia.

The village of Jazak is situated on the southern slopes of the mountain ridge of Fruška Gora, 30 km from  Novi Sad and 60 km from Belgrade airport. Jazak is a small village with around 800 inhabitants. We choose this venue because of the possibility to work in the open space with the adequate respect of the epidemiological measure’s which will guarantee safety of all the participants. 

Participants will be accommodated in shared rooms.

The organizers will cover 100% of food and accommodation costs, and provide all the working materials. There is no participation fee for youth exchange. Active participation in all activities is obligatory for all participants and youth leaders.

Breakfast will be served in the CERUDA center kitchen as a buffet. There will also be a possibility for eating outside on the terrace for every meal. Catering will everyday bring fresh and prepared food for lunch and dinner. Food will be prepared locally and part of responsibility for food preparation will be on participants during their national evenings.

We will work in the premises of CERUDA but also, we will have activities outside. During the youth exchange, we will follow all the current Covid19 prevention protocols.